Entry: 001
Judge: Ron Unz
BJCP ID: F0711
Rank: Certified
Beer Name: Westbrook Gose
Category: 27 - Historical Beer: Gose
Special Ingredients: None
Bottle Inspection: Ok.
Comments: None
Aroma: 8/12
Moderate sour aroma. Low bread crust-like aroma. Low coriander. Low levels of floral notes. No hops. No esters. No diacetyl.
Appearance: 2/3
Hay in color. Hazy, but ok for style. White heat with large bubbles. Poor head retention.
Flavor: 14/20
Moderate-high sourness. Moderate-low levels of salt. Almost reminds me of salted buttermilk. Moderate-low bread and bread crust malt flavor. No hops. Low bitterness. Very low levels of coriander. Balance is dry. Sourness follows long into the finish. Sourness comes off like lemon juice.
Mouthfeel: 4/5
Moderate-low body. Moderate-high carbonation. Sourness make my jaw clench. Heartburn is also felt.
Overall Impression: 8/10
Great beer, but the sourness is almost too intense for the style. The sourness is so intense it is masking the malt and coriander. Back off a little on what ever method is used to sour. I would also like to see a bit more coriander in the flavor and aroma. It’s a little too low for style. Other wise, this is a great summer ale.
TOTAL: 36/50