BJCP Scoresheet - Odell IPA

OdellIPAEntry: 003
Judge: Ron Unz
BJCP ID: F0711
Rank: Certified
Beer Name: Odell IPA
Category: 21A - American IPA
Special Ingredients: None
Bottle Inspection: Ok.
Comments: None:

Aroma: 8/12

Moderate-low caramel malt sweetness. Moderate floral hop aroma with moderate-low citrus notes. No fruity esters. No diacetyl.

Appearance: 3/3

Depp gold in color. Very clear. Tan head with tiny tight bubbles. Good head retention.

Flavor: 15/20

Moderate-low caramel up front, slightly too high for style. Citrus and pine hop flavor, moderate. Moderate-high bitterness. Clean fermenation. No fruity esters. Malt is moderately sweet. Slightly cloying. Balance is a little on the sweet side. Bitterness and sweetness follow into the finish.

Mouthfeel: 3/5

Medium-full body. Medium carbonation. No warmth. Low astringency in the finish.

Overall Impression: 8/10

Hop flavor is appropriate for style. Hop aroma could be a little higher for style, increasing carbonation sightly should help. Residual sweetness is too high for style. The sweetness also leads to a body that is too full for style. Caramel flavor is also borderline high. Back off malt by 10%-20%. Overall a very good beer. Great hop flavor.

TOTAL: 37/50

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