BJCP Scoresheet - De Brabandere Petrus Oud Bruin

Judge: Ron Unz
BJCP ID: F0711
Rank: Certified
Beer Name: De Brabandere Petrus Oud Bruin
Category: 23C - Oud Bruin
Special Ingredients: None
Bottle Inspection: Ok.
Comments: None

Aroma: 9/12

Upfront sour aroma. Moderate notes of blackberries and dark cherries. Low malt sweetness. Sour notes are moderate-high. Malt aroma improves as the beer warms. No diacetyl.

Appearance: 3/3

Very dark ruby color. Very clear. Tan head with tiny bubbles. Great head retention.

Flavor: 17/20

Moderate-low bready malt flavor. Low caramel malt sweetness. No hop flavor. Low bitterness. Moderate-low tartness. Very bright. Moderate-low notes of plums, figs, and tart cherries. Balance is semi-dry. Very low sweet fig flavor lingers into the finish. Fruit character intensifies as the beer warms. No diacetyl.

Mouthfeel: 5/5

Medium body. Medium-high carbonation. Some what tingles the tongue. No warmth. No astrongiency.

Overall Impression: 9/10

The malt aroma and flavors were a little low, especially in the aroma. The malt flavor was more prevalent and more appropriate to style. Sourness was more pronounced in the aroma and could very well be masking the malt aroma. Tartness level is perfect. Over all a very solid beer. Increase the malt every so slightly for both flavor and aroma.

TOTAL: 43/50

Comments: I am usually not a huge fan of oud bruin. I have always found them kind of ‘meh’. I have had both Liefmans’ version of the oud bruin and I was not impressed with them either. This is by far the best oud bruin I have ever had. I am very impressed with it. It has enough complexity in the aroma and flavor to compete with some of the other sour ales, such as flanders red.

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